Be True To Your Values; Running Your Business, Your Way.

The Guiding Principles of My Small Business Success: Trust, Authenticity, and Striving for My Fullest Potential Every Day With Enthusiasm

As a small business owner nestled in the downtown Edmonton core with tons of competition all around me for health and wellness, a registered massage therapist since 2016, and particularly as a local businesswoman, I am on a unique journey filled with amazing challenges and opportunities that test me, and test my potential to thrive in an unforgiving world. I want to share with you the values of Strive Holistic and what it means to weave this into the everyday business activities, goals, and the impact this has on how we run the business.

While there's no single formula for success, there are essential values and principles that guide me towards thriving in your entrepreneurial endeavors. In this blog, we'll explore the interplay of trust, authenticity, and the mission of striving for your fullest potential, and why these elements are crucial for your business success.

Trust and Authenticity: The Cornerstones of My Business

Trust and authenticity are values that should be at the heart of your business operations. These principles shape how you interact with your customers, employees, and the community, helping you build a strong and lasting reputation.

Trust: The Foundation of Success

Building trust in my business is not just a nice-to-have; it's my necessity and way of being. Trust is the invisible thread that connects me to my customers, employees, and audience. I choose to prioritize trust and consistency in the way I run things, speak to patients, and make decisions in order to set the stage for enduring strong relationships and sustainable growth.

Honesty and Transparency:

In a world where authenticity is looking at a two dimensional screen on social media, and everyone is screaming authenticity from the rooftops without knowing what it means, being honest and transparent in your business dealings is a breath of fresh air. I keep my promises, I’m forthright in my communication, and I create an environment of trust where my patients and employees feel secure and valued. This includes being reliable, and consistent. Whether it's delivering a massage therapy treatment that provides consistent quality, or speaking to my employees in a way that creates autonomy and a feeling of independence, reliability breeds trust. My patients should have confidence that I will be the same person to speak to and deal with, and exceed expectations every time as much as possible.

Privacy and Data Security: In the digital age, safeguarding patient data is paramount. I show my commitment to trust by respecting privacy preferences and taking proactive measures to protect sensitive information, such as using my secure Jane booking software and honouring patient’s privately divulged details in the safety of the treatment room.

Customer Feedback: Listening to your customers and addressing their concerns promptly is a trust-building practice. It demonstrates your willingness to improve and your respect for their feedback.

Authenticity: Never Underestimating The Power of Being Myself

In a competitive setting where there are a million different massage therapy businesses, and health clinics in downtown Edmonton, authenticity has to be my business's unique fingerprint. It's the essence of being true to my values, identity, and brand story. When my business is authentic, it becomes relatable and memorable. Examples of how I choose to be myself in the way I run my business is calling patients to check on them and follow up on their homecare; offering customized stretch and exercise videos with detailed instructions in a beautiful and easy-to-read template that flows; and asking each and every patient about their experience personally (not to mention valuing, and implementing feedback that I receive.)

My Genuine Brand Story: I share the real story behind my business journey on the business Instagram. I am clear about highlighting what motivates me, the lessons I’m learning, the mistakes I’m making, my challenges, and successes. People connect with my authentic story because that’s truly what it has been; my authentic journey from the challenges and setbacks from my personal life, to my journey throughout my professional career and how it blends together to create a unique connection between my massage therapy practice, my patients and my employees.

Honest Marketing is how I avoid exaggerated claims or misleading marketing tactics. I market realistically about the effectiveness of our massage therapy treatments, and represent my massage therapy treatments and offerings with pride.

Employee Autonomy is incredibly important to me. I am quite new to being a boss, but I try my best to create an authentic workplace culture where employees feel valued, supported, and encouraged to be themselves and express themselves how they want in the treatment room. They can have authentic conversations, showcase their unique talents and modalities, and have the autonomy to check on their own patients and cultivate real relationships with them. My goal is for a happy and engaged team to naturally promote my business's authenticity and success.

Striving for My Fullest Potential: Why This Is Authentically Me

My mission to strive for my fullest potential is more than just words on paper for me as the owner. It's the driving force behind my journey as a small business owner and my guiding principle when things get tough. It’s what keeps me going when I want to quit. I cannot look back on my life and know that there were incredible risks that I chose not to take, words I wanted to say but chose not to say, and lived a life that could have felt so much more fulfilling to me. This is a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. As a business owner, making personal development a priority reflects in my leadership and decision-making. It motivates me to continually learn, adapt, and improve, essential for staying competitive and relevant in today's business world.

Inspiring Others The Way I Want To Be Inspired

I have had to fight for the way my life is now, and search for people and community that has allowed me to lead with inspiring action. I have a commitment to self-improvement and living life to the fullest so that I can inspire employees, patients, and my community the way I craved to be inspired when things seemed impossible in my past. When others see me pursuing my potential, they are encouraged to do the same. This inspiration creates a positive ripple effect that is my purpose for living. I thrive on pushing the boundaries beyond what I felt was possible, and seeing a living, breathing example of the true power of the mind. Striving to reach your fullest potential goes beyond the confines of business success; it impacts the community I serve and their potential for growth. As I grow personally and professionally, I become better equipped to make a positive impact in my local area by providing job, guidance and opportunity to others the way I wish I had been guided when I was younger. By weaving my mission into my values of trust and authenticity, I create a business that's not only successful but also meaningful and leaves a long lasting imprint on the world.

Strong Work Ethic Feels Amazing And You Can Do Better

In my opinion, a strong work ethic is very hard to find in our culture. Living life to the fullest often requires a strong work ethic, discipline and dedication to your goals. I thrive on blowing expectations out of the water and blowing minds. This work ethic is infectious in my business, and promotes a culture of hard work, commitment, and accountability in my community. My strong work ethic makes me feel powerful, and in control of my destiny and quality of life as much as possible.

Clients appreciate businesses that are dedicated to self-improvement and growth and I believe my patients can see the passion I carry with me, which is a reason to support me and not another neighbouring business. My mission clearly and concisely communicates that I’m focused on providing massage therapy patients with the best possible massage therapy treatment, and overall experience.

Incorporating these principles into my massage therapy practice and interactions with patients and colleagues fosters a culture of continuous improvement and genuine connection that is priceless. As a local businesswoman, I have the opportunity to set a powerful example and make a lasting impact by demonstrating how striving for one's fullest potential can lead to success, personal fulfillment, and a stronger, more vibrant community. I take the opportunity seriously.

So, I will continue to live my mission, embrace my personal version of trust and authenticity, and inspire those around me to do the same. Together, we can create a better future. Small business success isn't just about profit; it's about building a better world, one authentic and trust-driven interaction at a time. To take a deeper look at the way our values positively affect our patients and their lives, take a look at our Google reviews!

For a deeper look at the authentic way our mission impacts our patient and community experience, check out our Instagram too!


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