5 Things You Should Do After a Massage

Edmonton massage therapist

Massage therapy is widely sought after as a treatment for various conditions and injuries, offering relief from pain, muscle relaxation, and improved range of motion. Often complementing other therapies like acupuncture or Graston therapy, massage comes in many forms, each with its unique health benefits.

Deep tissue massage provides a more intense therapeutic approach to addressing chronic pain and muscle tension. Additional techniques like cupping therapy or myofascial release may be incorporated by massage therapists to address specific issues.

After treating yourself to a massage, diving back into your routine immediately is tempting. However, to maximize the benefits and prevent potential discomfort, it's essential to be mindful of post-massage activities. Let's explore the top five things you should do after a massage to enhance your recovery and overall well-being.


Drink Water After Massage

Dehydration After Massage: Dehydration can exacerbate muscle soreness and fatigue after a massage. Symptoms include dizziness, dry mouth, and decreased urine output. It's crucial to replenish fluids lost during the massage session.


Water Flushes Out Toxins: Hydration aids in flushing out toxins released during the massage, reduces muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery. Choose water or electrolyte-rich beverages to replenish lost fluids and support your body's healing process.


Eat a Light Meal

The Impact of Heavy Meals on Post-Massage: Consuming heavy, greasy meals immediately after a massage can hinder digestion and leave you feeling lethargic. These meals divert blood flow away from muscles, compromising the benefits of the massage.


Ideal Post-Massage Snacks: Pick light, nutritious snacks such as fruits, vegetables, or protein-rich foods. These snacks provide essential nutrients without overwhelming your digestive system, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of your massage.


Get Plenty of Rest

Exhausted After Massage: It is completely normal to feel exhausted after a massage. Rest is vital for allowing your muscles to recover and repair themselves after a massage. Avoid strenuous activities and prioritize relaxation to maximize the effects of your session.


Tips for Enhancing Restful Recovery: Create a soothing environment conducive to relaxation. Practice deep breathing exercises, listen to calming music, or indulge in a warm bath to promote relaxation and aid muscle recovery.


Do Not Overexert Yourself

Risks of Overexertion After a Massage: Engaging in intense physical activity immediately after a massage can strain muscles and negate the benefits of the session. It's essential to ease back into your regular exercise routine gradually.


Gentle Exercises for Post-Massage Activity: Instead of high-impact workouts, opt for gentle exercises such as walking, yoga, or stretching. These activities promote blood flow, enhance flexibility, and complement the benefits of your massage.


Communicate with Your Therapist

Benefits of Open Communication Post-Massage: Effective communication with your massage therapist ensures a tailored experience that meets your needs and preferences. Share any discomfort or areas of concern to optimize your massage experience.


Addressing Concerns and Feedback: If you experience discomfort or have specific preferences regarding pressure or techniques, don't hesitate to communicate with your therapist. Their expertise and understanding will enhance your comfort and satisfaction during the session.



Incorporating these tips into your post-massage routine will optimize your recovery and enhance the benefits of your massage experience. Remember to prioritize hydration, rest, and gentle movement to support your body's healing process. Following these recommendations after an appointment at Strive Holistic can prolong the sense of relaxation and well-being achieved during each massage session.


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